Code of Conduct
Create accounts or maker pages only for yourself or your company. You may not create fake maker pages, or be paid for services you do not provide. You may not impersonate other persons, brands or companies.
Offer unique and creative serivces to your customers. You may not be paid for non-activity, such as being paid to stop doing something. You may not be paid to reproduce or create derivative works of protected works you do not have the required licenses for. You may only sell the rights to your own works. Represent your creative abilities honestly.
Be respectful of the time and work going into every commission. You may not ask makers for freebies or outrageously low prices, unless offered voluntarily by them.
Be respectful of other people. You may not harrass anyone through your use of, either on your own, or through other people. You may not threaten others with violence, or engage in threatening behaviour, such as stalking or inciting violence.
Be kind and inclusive. You may not use to finance hate speech, calls for violence, exclusion, or other aggression. This includes attacks on others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or illness.
Appropriate Content
Keep your public page contents appropriate for all ages. You may not publish depictions nudity, sexual or graphic violence. Furthermore, you may never upload nude images of people under the age of 18, including yourself.
Keep in mind, that the sale of pornographic or sexual media or services is not permitted due to restrictions from our payment provider. The line between tasteful nudity for the purpose of art and pornography may be blurry. Decisions may vary from case to case, and are ultimately decided by our payment service provider.
There is no tolerance for inappropriate content like glorification of sexual violence, bestiality, rape, child abuse, incest, necrophilia, nazism or depictions thereof. Additionally, doxxing, spamming and offering or receiving illegal services is not allowed.
Keep a high standard when interacting with other people.
You may not Spam on This includes commission-for-commission schemes, distribution of malware, phishing, social engineering, and mass-creation of commission requests, messages, files or payments.
You may not use, if you've been convicted of activities that are prohibited under our terms or code of conduct. You may not raise funds for political campaigns or purposes. You may not raise funds for terrorist or other dangerous organizations, such as organized crime, violent hate groups, cyber criminals, or multi-level marketing/pyramid schemes.
We know this may be your livelihood. We will make every effort to make decisions fairly and transparently.
First, we will try to educate you, so that you understand how a rule was broken and how to fix it. In cases of particularly serious or intentional rule violations, or if no effort is made to fix or redeem a rule breaking situation we will take measures such as suspension or termination of the user account.
If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you can contact us and provide us with information that you believe we have not considered. Even though our decision may not change, we will always listen.